Redactem is Elliott Marc Jones's first release. He recently took some time out of his day to answer our inquiries about life-changing moves, steam achievements, game design, and future plans.
Redactem may not be much of a looker, but looks ain't everything. If you're willing to forgive its blemishes, Redactem delivers clever puzzles that force you to think smarter.
Well, that was unexpected. We were nominated for a Liebster Award by another gaming blog, which means we get to respond with answers to their questions and a few questions of our own.
After having spent far too many hours with the cast of Overwatch, I've returned from the beta with early impressions. I've got favorites, minor annoyances, and future concerns. Let's take 'em all one hero at a time.
Dear Journal, ends up I'm a farmer now. I arrived in a town with no money, no tools, no cattle, and everyone still expects gifts from me. Thanks for the one way ticket to narcissist town, Grandpa.
The better a game starts, the more I worry about how it will end. With the help of Joseph Campbell and his studies on narratology, I'll finally address one of the biggest problems I've had with storytelling in games.
...Or Steamworld: Heist, Legend of Legacy, and Senran Kagura: Burst. After several weeks on the go with no stable internet connection, I've had extensive experience with these three games. And if you think the last part of the title sounds impossible, let's see what I can do about that.